Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lesson Plan

Acronym and names

Level: Form 1 (Intermediate)
Time: 1 hour (double period)
Language Content: Adjective and Acronym

Aims: Students should be able to practice descriptive writing by using the information from the website.

• One computer for three students
• Internet connection
• Web Browser

1. Locate the What does your name mean? website.
2. Browse through the website to make sure it is suitable for the students and match the topic.
3. Prepare worksheet based on the information in the website.


Set Induction (5 minutes)
1. Teacher introduce the topic of the day.
2. Teacher recaps previous lesson on adjectives.

Task 1: (25 minutes)
1. Teacher instructs students to form a group of three per computer.
2. Teacher instructs students to open the following website. (
3. Teacher explains to students what is acronym and how to play the quiz.
4. Teacher instructs them to choose a friend's name or nickname. The name must not be less than 9 alphabets.
6. The students are required to complete the task in 15 minutes.

Task 2: (25 minutes)
1. Teacher distributes worksheets to each group and asked them to complete the worksheet by using the adjectives that they had obtained from the websites.
2. Teacher asks each group to read aloud their answer.
4. Teacher asks the students to identify some of the adjectives used in describing people.

Conclusion: (5 minutes)
1.Teacher recaps the lesson.
2.Teacher inculcates moral values.

1. Each students need to create acronym for their own name in their journal. They can only used adjectives for the acronym. Then the students must give an explanation for the acronym.


Task 1

Nur Nadiah

Nur Nadiah lives with his influential and athletic Grandpa Ayob in a normal village called Kampung Meranti. They lived in a house near the river.She always go to the river with her dashing friend, Lim to swim or fishing. During the weekends, Grandpa Ayob will take her and Lim to the unusual funfair in town. She loves to watch the radiant Mike at his magic show. The magician always managed to surprise her with astounding tricks. Lim on the other hand prefer to watch Milo with his naive and hilarious monkey in the animal show. Both of them always have a good time at the funfair.
(the bold words are the adjectives from the quiz)


  1. I'm sure students will be happy to find out what their names mean

  2. Just like the acrostic poem writing that we had in Creative Writing class. But since the students are very young, this lesson will simply thrill them, Mami!

  3. Actually, this lesson plan is inspired by Acrostic Poem and I actually used it as my set induction on my first day of practicum. My students love it and they came up with silly and funny acronym for their name :P

  4. I always complete this kind of stuff when I have nothing else to do. And I'm sure a lot of students are the same. This is a good way of making something rather 'meaningless' into an educational activity. Great idea!

  5. f - fun, funny, etc....
    a - awesome dude (duhhhhhhh)
    i - intelligent young man
    d - deliberate
    z - zip it???

    ahahaha...already forgot how to make one...nice lesson plan (=_=)

  6. simple yet interesting.

    the students definitely will get excited to know the meaning of their names. besides that, since most of the adjectives used to describe the names are positive, indirectly the students will generate positive values among them. =)

  7. True, besides it's really meaningful to get affiliated with the good qualities that connected with their names and unconsciously, they can get motivated with it. But funny case for me since my name is defined as the light of honor but so far, I've never been a judge. The best one is a last minute judge for the language month during my practicum.

  8. thanks for the positive comments my nakama :)

  9. Z - zealous as usual
    A - amiable
    H - humble
    I - imaginative
    D - desirable dude * * * * * *(/^_^)/

  10. A good idea but i think most students nowadays have done this (most probably in their Facebook,Myspace or Friendster (dead!) era?) but it's cool if they share it to the whole class. but make sure the software can provide a lot of adjectives for each it'll be interesting and fun!
