Thursday, July 9, 2009

About a girl

Hello! I'm Nur Nadiah Rozali and I'm from the Pearl of the Orient, Penang. The name 'Nur' means light while 'Nadiah' means nobility in Arabic. In other words, my name means the light of nobility. I don't really have the blood of a noble but in my parents' eyes, I'm their little princess. Oh yes, I forget to mention that I'm the eldest among three siblings. I'm currently a student of B.e.D (Hons) TESL in UiTM because of my love for English and literature.

Ok, let's not waste our time. The main reason for me to create this blog is for my Computer Assisted Language Learning course. So I'm suppose to mention about my skills and knowledge in computer.Despite having a father who work as a computer programmer, my skills and knowledge in computer is just average. I know how to use all the basic Microsoft software like words, power point, excel and publisher. Besides that, I also know how to use moviemaker,Adobe Photoshop and audio/visual converter. I'm currently learning from my father on how to use Flash. I only get to meet my father once a month so my progress quite slow. I can't complain since the lesson is free. As for hardware skills, I know what is RAM, motherboard etc as well as their function. Once again I have to thank my father. Ever since I was small, he insists me to use computer.

I use computer and internet for three purposes, educational,communication and entertainment. In term of educational, I used the internet to find information and research for my assignments. I keep in touch with my friends through Yahoo Messenger, Facebook and Friendster. Yahoo Messenger is especially handy when I have to do group assignments. In term of entertainment, I used computer and internet to download my favourite music, watch movie online, read manga and e-book, as well as playing game. Apart from this blog, I also have two more blogs. When I have nothing to do, I will usually update my blogs or just surfing and finding interesting stuff on cyberspace. Among the websites that I usually visited are Google search engine, Facebook, Wikipedia, Youtube,Onemanga, and Shelfari.

During my practical I did manage to utilize technology into my lesson. Three of my lesson plans required the use of computer while one lesson plan required the students to find information from the internet. In my opinion, incorporating technology in lesson plan can attract students to pay attention to our teaching. However, I can't use it frequently due to the limited facilities in that school. Well, that's all folk. See you again in the next entry.


  1. Please continue learning Flash from your Dad. Not many people have that 'luxury'.

  2. Yes,sir. I will continue learning it.
